Practicar tus futuras conversaciones de oficina en inglés te puede preparar para reuniones o para tu primer día. Por eso hoy te compartimos unos ejemplos.

Hemos hablado antes sobre el vocabulario de oficina en inglés, pero no te hemos enseñado cómo usarlo en la vida real. Por eso, hoy te mostraremos algunas conversaciones de oficina en inglés para que practiques y mejores tu fluidez.

En la oficina existen un montón de conversaciones que puedes llegar a tener con tus compañeros o con tu líder, por lo que nos pondremos en algunos casos típicos que suelen ocurrir. 

Cualquier similitud con la realidad es pura coincidencia, pero la idea es que practiques y pierdas el miedo a usar el inglés en diferentes situaciones. 

Sin más rodeos te compartimos algunos diálogos para ejercitar.👇

Ejemplos de conversaciones de oficina en inglés

1. Sarah’s first day

El contexto de este diálogo es el primer día de trabajo de Sarah, quien en búsqueda de su escritorio se encuentra con Tom, quien le hace un tour por la oficina y le presenta a su equipo.

A: Hi, I’m Sarah, this is my first day working here, I’m looking for my desk.

B: Oh, hi Sarah, I’m Tom from Human Resources, I’ll give you a tour through the office today. 

A: Nice to meet you Tom!

B: Are you nervous for today? We are really happy to have you here, just follow me and I’ll show you around. 

A: I’m a little nervous, but also very excited. I'm looking forward to getting to know my team.

B: They are really nice people, they usually have lunch together and organize pizza Fridays, I’m sure you’ll love it. Well, this is the Sales section, where the Sales team work. Right next to it we have the Finances section, and in front you find Human Resources.

A: Ok, I guess, I’ll find you there then.

B: Yes, actually, that one over there is my desk, you’re welcome to visit it anytime. And if you follow me we find the Marketing section and this one right here is your desk, right next to the window. 

A: Wow, it’s an amazing view. 

B: I know right? You can see the whole city from here. You can leave your belongings here and I’ll show you the meeting rooms, where your team is gathered right now.

A: Sure, I follow you. 

B: Ok, so this is meeting room A, which is bigger, so we use it for big meetings. And this is meeting room B, where teams have their daily meetings throughout the day. Right, it is been used by Marketing, so I’ll introduce you to them. Are you ready?

A: Yeah, let’s do it. 

B: Hi everyone, sorry to interrupt but as may know today is Sarah’s first day, she’ll be working in the Advertising project, she is very creative and has a lot of experience in the matter, so I’ll let introduce herself now. 

A: Thank you Tom. Hi everyone, my name is Sarah Miller, I’m a publicist, I’ve been working on Marketing for five years now and I’m really excited to be a part of this team. Tom already told me about pizza Fridays, which makes it even more exciting. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better and getting to create great things together. 

💡 Preguntas de comprensión:

  • ¿A qué departamentos pertenecen Tom y Sarah? 
  • ¿Cuántas salas de reunión tiene la oficina? 
  • ¿Cuántos años de experiencia tiene Sarah en su área?

2. Meeting with the team

En este diálogo tenemos más personajes, ya que es una reunión grupal donde cada miembro del equipo comenta lo que hizo la semana pasada y cuáles serán sus tareas de esta semana.

A: Hi everyone, how is it going? I hope you had a nice weekend. Today we’ll talk about this week's tasks, but first I want you to tell me what you did last week, what advances you made in the project and if you had any trouble with your work. Charlie, do you want to start? 

B: Sure, hi guys, nice to see you all. Well, last week I worked on the new design for the website. I chose a new color palette based on our brand, but I also added some new tones that could give it an interesting look. Based on that I defined a new structure with new content and images. The wireframe is ready, so the next step is to establish the final designs, get some feedback and start working on it. 

A: That’s great! I’ll schedule a meeting so we can review the wireframe. How about you Joanne, how was your week?

C: Hi guys, well, last week we launched the Christmas campaign on social media, so now we are measuring the results and keeping an eye on the metrics. For this week I scheduled some content for the blog that aligns with the campaign so we can be present everywhere as a brand. 

A: Amazing, thank you Joanne. John, do you want to go next?

D: Sure, hi guys. Well, last week the design team was focused on the Christmas campaign graphics. I worked on the website banners and some Instagram posts and they were all delivered on time. This week I’ll be working on more Instagram content and also on the graphics for the New Year’s campaign. 

A: Great, thank you John. I’ll schedule a meeting this week so we can review the Christmas campaign results and check what we have for the New Year. Remember that our goal is to get a million sales, so hopefully we’ll make it this year. There also will be a meeting with the Commercial team, so they can give us some feedback and insights about the campaign. Is there anything else you want to add?

C: After the New Year’s campaign we’ll start with the Valentine’s Day offers, right?

A: Exactly, that is another important date for us, so we have to organize everything with time. 

C: Okay, thanks. 

A: Is there anything else? Ok, thank you for your time, I’ll see you around and remember that you can send me an email if you need anything. 

B: Thanks, see you!

💡 Preguntas de comprensión:

  • ¿En qué trabajó Joanne la semana pasada?
  • ¿Cuál es el siguiente paso en el trabajo de Charlie?
  • ¿Cuál es la meta de ventas para la Campaña de Navidad?

3. Getting some coffee

Y si quieres preparar tus conversaciones de pasillo, en este diálogo Brandon y Sally se encuentran preparándose un café y conversan respecto al equipo de trabajo de Sally.

A: Oh hi Brandon, how is it going? 

B: Hi Sally, can’t complain, how are you?

A: I’m OK, I was just getting some coffee so I can continue working. It’s like my fuel, you know.

B: Yeah, I can’t live without my morning coffee, I’m sure my work wouldn’t be the same without it. 

A: I’m not sure if my work would exist without it. 

B: So how is everything going in your area, I heard you had new team members.

A: Yes, now we have a new Web Designer to help Patrick with everything and there’s also a new Content Creator, focused on social media.

B: So they’ll have to create TikToks and all that stuff?

A: Among other things, but yes, we want to start creating TikToks to impulse the brand.

B: It must be funny that your work is to make TikTok videos all day.

A: And trust me, it can be more exhausting than what you think.

B: Yeah, I believe you, I couldn’t do one of those videos, I don’t have the talent you know.

A: You should try it, I’ll tell Holly to include you in one of them, maybe you discover a new talent.

B: I think I’ll pass, I don’t want to ruin the brand.

A: But maybe you could go viral and become a TikTok celebrity.

B: That’s even worse!

A: Ok, I’m going back to work, see you around!

B: See you!

💡 Preguntas de comprensión:

  • ¿Qué ocurrió en el equipo de trabajo de Sally?
  • ¿Por qué Brandon no quiere hacer videos para TikTok?

¿Buscas con quién practicar? 

Si bien puedes practicar estos diálogos con el espejo por un buen tiempo, para lograr un nivel de inglés fluido y espontáneo es mejor practicar con otras personas.

Te invitamos a conocer más sobre los cursos de inglés de Poliglota, donde podrás aprender inglés conversando en grupos de en promedio 6 personas, guiados por un coach especialista. 

El propósito de nuestro método social es que aprendas el idioma de manera natural, sin repetir listas de verbos o completar cuestionarios interminables, sino tal y como aprendiste a hablar tu lengua materna.

Nuestras sesiones se realizan 100% online por lo que podrás conectarte desde cualquier lugar con personas de diferentes partes del mundo interesadas igual que tu en aprender inglés.

Envíanos un mensaje para saber más y te responderemos cuanto antes.